When you open your medicine cabinet, imagine it full of herbal remedies versus bottles of over the counter pills. Learn ways to use common ingredients found in your backyard or health food store aisle to heal more quickly and without the side effects of mainstream "medicines."
In our "Detox" class, Cameron dives into more available alternatives that are safer, cheaper, and more effective than essential oils. As a certified clinical herbalist, she infuses tinctures and salves with plants, as well as teaches you how to directly apply plants for their healing properties. You will leave this class with an arsenal of knowledge on what to apply topically or take internally the next time you or your child gets the ills.
Cameron will have medicinal tinctures, salves, and more information on enrolling in the Deep Roots Consumer Supported Apothecary, as well as next year's 9 week medicine making course. We hope the childcare included with this registration fee allows you to enjoy this class as much as possible! See you September 18th!
$45 for 3 Hour class, childcare provided. Register here.